Will Microblading Go Away Completely?



This has become a popular cosmetic procedure for those seeking fuller, more defined eyebrows. While the results of microblading can last up to two years, many people wonder if the procedure will eventually go away completely.

What is Microblading?

Before we dive into the topic of whether this will go away completely, let’s first understand what it is. Microblading is a semi-permanent tattooing technique that involves using a handheld tool to create tiny hair-like strokes on the skin, which are then filled with pigment to create the appearance of fuller, more defined eyebrows.

Will Microblading Go Away Completely?

The short answer is yes, this will eventually go away completely. However, the length of time it takes for microblading to fade away completely can vary depending on several factors. Including the quality of the pigments used, the skill of the artist, and the aftercare provided.

This is a semi-permanent procedure, which means that it will eventually fade away. The pigment used in microblading is not as deep as traditional tattoos, which means that it will fade over time as the skin naturally exfoliates. Typically, results can last anywhere from 12-24 months before they begin to fade away.

However, it’s important to note that the rate at which microblading fades can vary. Factors such as skin type, exposure to sun and water, and the use of skincare products can all impact how long microblading lasts. Additionally, the skill of the artist and the quality of the pigments used can also impact the longevity of the results.

How to Prolong the Results of Microblading?

If you want to prolong the results of this, there are several things you can do. First, it’s important to choose a qualified and experienced artist who uses high-quality pigments and follows proper hygiene practices. This can help ensure that the results last as long as possible.

Second, follow the aftercare instructions provided by your artist. This may include avoiding certain activities, such as swimming or using skincare products on your eyebrows, for a period of time after the procedure. Proper aftercare can help promote proper healing and prevent premature fading of the results.

Finally, it’s important to protect your eyebrows from the sun and water. Exposure to these elements can cause the pigment to fade more quickly. Wearing a hat or using a sunscreen on your eyebrows can help protect them from the sun. While avoiding prolonged exposure to water can also help prolong the results of microblading.


In conclusion, this is a semi-permanent tattooing technique that will eventually go away completely. The length of time it takes for microblading to fade can vary depending on several factors, including the quality of the pigments used and the skill of the this artist. However, by choosing a qualified and experienced artist. Following proper aftercare instructions, and protecting your eyebrows from the sun and water, you can help prolong the results of microblading and enjoy beautiful, defined eyebrows for as long as possible.

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