Lip Color Aftercare and Cost in India

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Lip Color: Aftercare and Cost in India

Delving into the world of lip color in India unveils a spectrum of hues to enhance your pout. Understanding the aftercare and costs associated with lip color procedures is pivotal for maintaining the allure. This guide elucidates the post-color care routine and the typical expenses of lip color in India.

Understanding Lip Color

Lip color procedures offer a semi-permanent solution for adding vibrancy and definition to the lips. Whether opting for lip tattooing, lip blushing, or lip staining, these techniques enhance the natural beauty of the lips, providing long-lasting color and shape.

Lip Color Aftercare

Proper aftercare is essential to ensure the longevity and vibrancy of lip color. Here are some crucial aftercare tips:

Immediately After the Procedure:

  • Keep the lips clean and dry for the first 24 hours.
  • Avoid touching or rubbing the lips to prevent smudging or dislodging the pigment.

During the Healing Process (1-2 Weeks):

  • Apply a thin layer of provided aftercare balm or ointment to keep the lips moisturized.
  • Avoid consuming hot or spicy foods that may irritate the lips or disrupt the healing process.

Long-Term Care:

  • Use a lip sunscreen with SPF to protect the lips from sun damage and prevent fading of the color.
  • Refrain from using harsh exfoliants or lip products containing retinol on the treated area.
  • Schedule touch-up appointments as recommended by your technician to maintain the vibrancy and shape of the lip color.

Cost of Lip Color in India

The cost of lip color procedures in India can vary based on factors such as the technique used, the reputation of the technician, and the location of the salon. On average, the cost of lip color in India ranges from INR 5,000 to INR 30,000 per session.

Choosing a reputable technician who uses high-quality pigments and follows strict hygiene protocols is essential. While opting for cheaper services may be tempting, prioritizing quality ensures satisfactory results and minimizes the risk of complications.


Lip color procedures offer a convenient and long-lasting solution for achieving beautifully colored lips. By adhering to the proper aftercare regimen and investing in quality lip color services, individuals can enjoy enhanced lips that complement their overall appearance.

For expert lip color services in India, book your appointment at MinoU Nails today!


  1. Microblading – Wikipedia
  2. Permanent Makeup – Wikipedia
  3. Book Your Lip Color Appointment at MinoU Nails Now!

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