How Long is Microblading Removal last And Its Cost

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Understanding Microblading Removal: Duration and Cost

Introduction to Microblading Removal

Microblading removal is a procedure designed to fade or remove unwanted microbladed eyebrows. While microblading is a semi-permanent cosmetic tattooing technique, circumstances may arise where individuals wish to remove or adjust the appearance of their eyebrows.

How Long Does Microblading Removal Last?

Microblading removal typically lasts several sessions, with results varying based on factors such as the depth of the pigment, skin type, and the technique used for removal. Complete removal may take multiple sessions spaced several weeks apart.

Factors Affecting Microblading Removal Duration

  1. Pigment Depth: Deeper pigment penetration may require more sessions for complete removal.
  2. Skin Type: Oily skin may hold pigment more stubbornly, requiring additional sessions.
  3. Technique Used: Various techniques, such as laser removal or saline solution tattoo removal, may yield different results and timelines.

Microblading Removal Cost

The cost of microblading removal varies depending on factors such as the technique used, the number of sessions required, and the expertise of the technician. On average, microblading removal can cost anywhere from $200 to $600 per session.

Factors Influencing Microblading Removal Cost

  1. Technique: Different removal techniques, such as laser removal or saline solution removal, may have varying costs.
  2. Number of Sessions: The total number of sessions required for complete removal will impact the overall cost.
  3. Technician Expertise: Experienced technicians may charge higher fees for their services, reflecting their skill level and the quality of results.


Microblading removal offers a solution for individuals seeking to adjust or completely remove their microbladed eyebrows. While the duration and cost may vary based on individual factors, consulting with a qualified technician can provide clarity on the process and expected outcomes.

Explore more about microblading and permanent makeup on Wikipedia: Microblading and Permanent Makeup.

Ready to explore microblading removal options? Book a consultation with us to learn more about the procedure and our services. Book Now

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